Sunday, March 6, 2011

How Not To Clean A Window

How Not To Clean A Window

The following photographs have at least a few things in common:

1. They all feature human beings cleaning windows; human beings born, presumably, with brains.

2. They all illustrate a total lack of common sense on behalf of the cleaners in question, more often than not because they’re unable/unwilling to muster the time/money/brainpower necessary to do the cleaning safely.

3. They all make me depressed and strangely exhilarated. I’m sure you’ll experience a similarly thrilling level of discomfort.

Hold on tight.

Crazy Women Cleaning Window
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Above: An old lady does the unthinkable and cleans her window from the comfort of the sill, in what looks like snowy weather.

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Above: An intelligent chap, determined not to be beaten by the unreachable, rests his ladder on a ledge barely deep enough to hold it.

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Above: 400ft up, on the 34th floor of a hotel in Dubai, a bright young man cleans a window and proceeds to make all onlookers instantly queasy.

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Above: This guy’s barely even gripping the building as he unprofessionally attempts to cut corners.

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Above: Words can’t describe just how insane this is.

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Above: Numerous students at Liaoning University in China decide to dice with death simultaneously and clean their windows with reckless abandon.

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Above: Vintage window cleaning insanity from 1985.
